Photos Show Voting Process in Brazilian Favela of Rocinha As Residents Vote in the 2022 Presidential Runoff Election [IMAGES]

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In the 2022 presidential runoff electionthe most contested Brazilian election since re-democratization—RioOnWatch accompanied voting at the state public school CIEP 303 Ayrton Senna da Silva in the the electoral zone belonging to Rio de Janeiro’s largest favela, Rocinha. According to the Electoral Court, the school covers 19 electoral sections frequented by residents of Rocinha and neighboring São Conrado, both in the South Zone of Rio de Janeiro. According to data from the Rio de Janeiro Regional Electoral Court (TRE-RJ), the result in Rocinha was 78.2% for Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and 21.8% for Jair Bolsonarothe largest vote share for Lula recorded in the city of Rio. The day prior to the election, residents organized a march through the favela, which in 2023 will mark 30 years since becoming a formal, officially-recognized neighborhood, even though to the present date services still have not been adequately provided by the authorities.

Residents come and go at the entrance of CIEP 303 Ayrton Senna da Silva

Unlike in the first round of the election, lines were shorter and weren’t a problem

Flow of voters on the three floors of CIEP 303 Ayrton Senna da Silva

Residents wait a short time to vote in the 2022 runoff election

Residents wait a short time to vote in the 2022 runoff election

Voters wait to vote in their electoral section at the CIEP in Rocinha

Citizen checks where to vote at the CIEP 303 Ayrton Senna da Silva Electoral Zone in Rocinha

Inspectors from the Electoral Court answer voters’ questions

Citizen waits to vote in their electoral section at the CIEP 303 Ayrton Senna da Silva Electoral Zone

Rocinha resident with their parrot awaiting to vote at CIEP 303 Ayrton Senna da Silva

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