Hunger in Times of Covid-19: Help Rio’s Favelas by Donating to Community Campaigns

Solutions from the Favelas Themselves Provide the Best Response

Grandma Cleusa Association distributing bread and other foodstuffs
Grandma Cleusa Association distributing bread and other foodstuffs

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This is our latest article on the new coronavirus as it impacts Rio de Janeiro’s favelas.

May 6, 2021–With over 4000 people just in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas dead from Covid-19, we have now entered the most critical phase where threats from food insecurity are competing with those from the pandemic. Families are struggling due to a combination of high rates of unemployment, lack of government support and skyrocketing food prices. Now more than ever, Rio’s favelas require attention from the international community.

Below, favela-based community organizations have provided us with links to their virtual fundraising platforms and bank accounts in order to purchase foodstuffs and hygiene products. The number of campaigns has surged in recent weeks, in response to the third and most deadly wave of Covid-19 to hit Rio de Janeiro. Favela community organizing—which has been the only front of attack against Covid-19 in these communities given the complete absence of government policy—stands as a testament both to the severity of the situation and the efficiency and organization of Rio de Janeiro communities. The below solutions come from the favelas themselves and thus guarantee direct, dynamic, and effective responses to local needs.

New cases of Covid-19 in Brazil each week since the beginning of the pandemic. The third and current wave is the largest.
New cases of Covid-19 in Brazil each week since the beginning of the pandemic. The third and current wave is the largest. Poverty has grown dramatically as government aid dries up.

With the publication of this list, we hope each reader chooses at least one organization to support, be it because of familiarity with the organization or community, sympathy with their mission, or any other criterion. If you are interested in supporting a community that is not listed here, consider contacting organizations listed in our September and June 2020 lists. Please share this list widely, with all those who might be inspired to help! Note: This list has been updated since its original publication on April 28.

Note: For US-based donors, Catalytic Communities, the 501c3 nonprofit that publishes RioOnWatch, has established an English-language fundraising page available here where you can get a tax exemption for contributing. To have your contribution earmarked to a specific community group below please type their name in the “Additional Information” box on the fundraising page.

Campaigns Run by Favela-Based Organizations in the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region (Alphabetical Order)

North Zone


Organization: Frente Cavalcanti, is a collective living in the favela neighborhood of Cavalcanti. They are working to combat hunger in their community. Fifty families are currently in need of help.

Donations: To donate, use PicPay or send a WhatsApp message (+55-2197519-1664), wait for the automated message, and follow the instructions.

Youth from the Cavalcanti Front against Covid-19
Youth from the Cavalcanti Front against Covid-19

Complexo da Maré

Organization: Coletivo Jornal Garotas da Maré (Girls of Maré Newspaper Collective) are a group of women from the communities of Salsa and Marengue, within the 16 favelas that make up the Maré Complex. They are looking to meet basic needs, including food, bottles of gas, cleaning kits, and menstrual pads for women.

Via bank deposit:
Nubank – Simone Lauar
Pix: 21983134293

Contact: Simone Lauar on WhatsApp (+55-21-98313-4293) or by email at

Complexo da Maré

Organization: Fight for Peace is carrying out a campaign called Coragem Solidária (Solidary Courage) to bring food security to families in their community within Complexo da Maré.

Donations: here

Contact: Gabriela Pinheiro by email: .

Costa Barros (Pedreira, Largatixa e Quitada)

Organization: The Citizen’s Land Social Center (Centro Social Terra Cidadã) is raising funds to purchase foodstuffs and hygiene and cleaning kits for residents of the favelas of Pedreira, Largatixa and Quitada in Costa Barros. Terra Cidadã is a nonprofit organization that seeks to value the citizen, reducing inequality through humanitarian aid.

By bank deposit:
Bank: Banco do Brasil
Agency: 0751-x
Account: 88802-8

Contact: Darci Leitão via WhatsApp (+55-21-98259-5020).

Favela da Linha (Pavuna)

Organization: The Grandma Cleusa Association is located at the entrance of Favela da Linha and on the border with the neighboring municipality of São João de Meriti. The association is charged with supporting vulnerable children between the ages of 5 and 12 with nutrition, education, culture, and health. They receive donations to prepare meals for the children and their families because the majority of their families do not have formal work and cannot rely on the government for emergency aid. They welcome volunteers and donations in the form of foodstuffs, clothing, shoes, and household utensils.

Donations: Contact Diocélia Galvão by WhatsApp (+55-21-97375-5846) or email the association ().

Grandma Cleusa Association preparing gift bags for families
Grandma Cleusa Association preparing gift bags for families

Favela do Itacolomi (Galeão)

Organization: Movimento de Mulheres Maria Pimentel Marinho (Maria Pimental Marinho Women’s Movement) helps women who are in vulnerable positions and who are suffering from food insecurity. This favela is in a particularly difficult situation and is lacking in basic hygiene, paved roads, and clean drinking water.

Via bank deposit:
Bank: Caixa Econômica
Agency: 0185

Contact: Rosana Freitas (+55-21-990128095) or email ().

Woman of Favela de Itacolomi
Women’s Movement of Favela de Itacolomi

Grande Tijuca (homeless)

Organization: Alimente a Quem Tem Fome (Feed Those Who Are Hungry) prepares hot meals for those living on the streets of Méier and Grande Tijuca. They are accepting food items, hygiene products, and financial donations.

Alimente a Quem Tem Fome food distribution
Alimente a Quem Tem Fome food distribution

Donations: PIX via +55-21-992173843

Contact: Carolina Valverde on WhatsApp +55-21-99217-3843 or email ().

Jorge Turco

Organization: Casa do Raio Dourado de São Francisco de Assis (House of the Golden Ray of Saint Francis of Assisi) carries out biweekly distribution of basic food staples and cleaning projects to 100 families in the community of Jorge Turco in Coelho Neto. They are accepting any food item, perishable or non-perishable, or financial donations by bank deposit.

Casa do Raio Dourado de São Francisco de Assisi food distribution
Casa do Raio Dourado de São Francisco de Assis food distribution

Via bank deposit:
Name: Casa do Raio Dourado de São Francisco de Assis
Bank: Bradesco
Agency: 1629- 2
Account: 28449- 1
CNPJ: 004971749/0001-37

Contact: Daniel Milagres on WhatsApp (+55-21-99619-2033).


Organization: Manguinhos Solidário (Solidary Manguinhos) is raising financial resources, foodstuffs and cleaning products for the population of Manguinhos, of families that have no other way to sustain themselves during these hard times.

Donations: here or by bank deposit:
Bank: Banco do Brasil
Name: Paloma da Silva Gomes
Agency:: 4220-x (or O instead of x)
Account: 11247-x (or O instead of x)
Pix / CPF: 130200787-41

Contact: Contact Paloma Gomes via WhatsApp (+55-21-97263-0080) or email (


Organization: Pré-Vestibular Popular Construção (Popular Construction College Preparatory Course) is a teachers’ collective that helps prepare students for university entrance exams based in the favela of Manguinhos. Their #Cestou campaign is helping provide basic foodstuffs to families of students that are enrolled online during 2020 and 2021. They have identified at least 40 families of these students who are experiencing food insecurity. To continue their efforts, they are asking for donations of personal hygiene and cleaning products and basic foodstuffs. They are also accepting financial donations.

Via bank deposit:
Name: Bruno Batista de Negreiros
Bank: Banco do Brasil
CPF: 120.129.267-03
Agency: 1517-2CC 131123-9
Pix: 21997578342

Contact: Eric Guimarães Lemos on WhatsApp at (21)995491819 or email at

Morro do Querosene (Rio Comprido)

Organization: Transforme-se (Transform Yourself) is a project that aims to provide warm food, water, refreshments, shoes, clothes, toys, and basic necessities to homeless people and those within their community of Morro do Querosene in Rio Comprido.

Donations: Via bank deposit:
Bank: Caixa Econômica
Agency: 0233
Operation: 013
Current Account: 000036101

Contact: Luana Fittipaldi by WhatsApp (+55-21-98752-3905) or email ().

Morro dos Macacos

Organization: Centro Comunitário Raiz Vida (Root Life Community Center) is seeking donations in terms of masks and basic foodstuffs.

Via bank deposit:
Bank: Banco do Brasil
Agency: 1250-5
Account: 14136-4

Contact: WhatsApp (+55-21-99633-4982) or email ().

Action in Morro dos Macacos
Action in Morro dos Macacos

Piscinão de Ramos (Maré)

Organization: Projeto Ricardo Barriga (Ricardo Barriga Project) is a social project started in 2020, named after a community member who lost his life to Covid-19. They are a group that consists of mostly young, black individuals and they depend on donations of basic foodstuffs for the families in the neighborhood of Ramos. They are also involved in delivering warm food to homeless people in their community.

Donations: Via Pix: 02379083797

Contact: Valdirene Militão by WhatsApp (+55-21-99178-8627) or via email ()

Ricardo Barriga Project in action
Ricardo Barriga Project in action

West Zone

Canal do Anil (Gardênia Azul)

Organization: Canal do Anil in Gardênia Azul is a community with a cultural center serving 500 families and 150 children involved in their projects. They are in need of food donations.

Donations: Contact Allan Silvio de Souza by WhatsApp (+55-21-96823-5203).

Canal do Anil cultural center

City of God

Organization: Alfazendo is realizing the Friendly Hands Campaign which has already supported 8,000 City of God residents during the pandemic. Studies show that currently over half the population of City of God is suffering from food insecurity or malnutrition. Alfazendo and their EcoNetwork project are active members of the Sustainable Favela Network.*

Via bank deposit:
Bank: Banco do Brasil
Agency: 1579
Account: 153338
CNPJ: 05.161.246/0001-69

Contact: Iara Oliveira via WhatsApp (+55-21-98614-5938).

Comunidade Cesar Maia, Coroado and Ilha dos Porcos (Vargem Pequena)

Organization: Movimento Social Mãos com Empatia (Hands with Empathy Social Movement) is social movement run by two friends, Isabela and Fabiola. They are seeking financial donations to purchase food, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products, clothes, shoes, diapers for the elderly and for babies and other basic necessities.

Via bank deposit:
Bank: Banco Nubank -260- Nu pagamento S.A
Agency: 0001
Account: 38188198-5

Contact: Isabela Queiroz by WhatsApp (+55-21-96467-0546) or by email () or Fabiola Oliveira (+55-21-96807-0132).

Movimento Social Mãos com Empatia
Movimento Social Mãos com Empatia delivering food


Organization: The Xavier Santos Cultural Center is in need of basic food and hygiene kits. The community is receiving no governmental support whatsoever. The families in this community are especially lacking in milk and diapers.

Via bank deposit:
Bank: Bradesco
Current Account: 03750302
Agency: 6752

Contact: Rogeria Xavier Santos by WhatsApp (+55-21-96740-2634) or email ().

Km 32, Km34 and Guachao

Filhos nos Braços do Pai providing assistance
Filhos nos Braços do Pai providing assistance

Organization: Filhos nos Braços do Pai (Sons in the Arms of Father) is a project that supports those who are most vulnerable in their community: black women, children, and the elderly. They deliver basic foodstuffs and keep a roster of the most vulnerable families in the favela.

Via bank deposit:
CPF: 09494535762
Name: Jorge e Joseane
Agency: 4384
Account: 01048559-1

Contact: Jorge Vicente on WhatsApp (+55-21-99225-5844) or email () or Joseane Martins on WhatsApp (+55-21-96512-1966) or email ().

Luiz Carlos Preste, Fubá, and Bacalhau favelas

Organization: Associação Comunitária Luiz Carlos Prestes (Luiz Carlos Preste Community Association) and its May 6th Sports and Social Education Project are located in the favelas of Luiz Carlos Preste, Fubá, and Bacalhau. They are currently in need of food and personal hygiene products.

Donations: Contact Fernando by WhatsApp (+55-21-96532-9637) or the residents’ association (+55-21-99384-8067).

Rio das Pedras

Organization: Cine & Rock seeks to strengthen full citizenship and social justice through the development of urban culture. They are currently raising funds for basic foodstuffs baskets and higiene products do distribute to families in Rio das Pedras. Cine & Rock is an active member of the Sustainable Favela Network.*

Donations: PIX 27.100.186/0007-17

Contact: Léu Oliveira via WhatsApp (+55-21-99243-1324)

Rio das Pedras

Organization: The Rio das Pedras Solidarity Kitchen is an initiative of the Projeto Semeando Amor (Seeding Love Project), a group of dedicated and working women living in the Rio das Pedras favela who have been combating hunger in their community since 2002. Projeto Semeando Amor is accepting direct and financial donations to distribute two healthy meals per day—breakfast and lunch—to over 100 residents in Rio das Pedras over two months. The Seeding Love Project is a member of the Covid-19 in Favelas Unified Dashboard.*

Donations: here

Contact: Ivone Rocha by WhatsApp (+55-21-97925-3568)

Vila Aliança (Senador Camará)

Organization: Fazendo Mágica com Tecido (Making Magic with Cloth) is a creative sewing group run by women that teaches courses for women to become financially independent by working with reused textiles. To support themselves and their clients, they are in need of basic needs such as personal hygiene products, hand sanitizer, menstrual pads, mineral water, and disposable diapers for children and adults.

Donations: PiX: 21993519767

Contact: Kádina Martins Bastos on WhatsApp (+55-21-99351-9767) or by email ().

Vila Kennedy

CCIK in action
CCIK in action

Organization: Centro Comunitário Irmãos Kennedy (CCIK, the Kennedy Brothers Community Center) is a community-based organization in the favela of Vila Kennedy, that has been providing basic necessities, warm meals, food items, and other donations in partnership with a number of other organizations, since the beginning of the pandemic. They are currently seeking donations of personal hygiene products, cleaning products, and hand sanitizer. They are also accepting direct and financial donations. CCIK is an active member of the Sustainable Favela Network.*

Donations: Contact Verônica Gomes by WhatsApp (+55-21-9931804260) or Berenice Natalício (+55-21-983510-9246) or email ().

Vila Sapê (Estrada dos Bandeirantes 3788, Jacarepaguá)

Vila Sapê
Vila Sapê

Organization: The New Residents’ Association of Vila Sapê provides support amongst residents of this precarious, fairly new favela with families still living in simple wooden structures. They are in need of food and basic necessities and are accepting financial donations.

Donations: Contact Elizangela da Silva Dias via WhatsApp (+55-21-96490-3518).

Vila Sapê Residents' Association in action
Vila Sapê Residents’ Association in action

Vila União

Associação de Moradores da Vila União distributing fruit and veg.
Vila União Residents’ Association distributing fruit and veg.

Organization: Associação de Moradores da Vila União (Vila União Residents’ Association) is in need of food and other basic necessities for low-income families in their community.

Donations: Contact Fábio (+55-21-964772462).

West Zone communities (broadly)

Organization: Defenders of the Planet is running a campaign to support the communities of Rio de Janeiro’s outlying and underinvested West Zone that have been facing extreme hunger, government neglect, and violence throughout the pandemic. This campaign is seeking donations of food, hygiene products, and clean water. Defenders of the Planet is an active member of the Sustainable Favela Network.*

Food distribution by Defenders of the Planet
Food distribution by Defenders of the Planet

Via bank account:
Name: Defensores do Planeta
Bank: Banco 290 – PagSeguro Internet S.A.
Agency: 0001
Account: 25899936-6

South Zone


Organization: Oficina do Sucesso (Success Office) helps 300 children and teenagers with their studies and provides sports and extracurricular activities. Today they aid 100 children and are in need of basic foodstuffs for them and their families.

Via bank deposit:
Bank: Itaú
Agency: 8574
Account: 0007285-9
CNPJ: 34.036.194/0006-01

Contact: Rachel Alves via WhatsApp (+55-21-99775-8669) or email ().

Santa Marta

Santa Marta fumigation

Organization: Santa Marta Contra o Covid-19 (Santa Marta Against Covid-19) in recent weeks has been working to sanitize and implement preventative measures related to disinfecting areas where there is significant circulation of people in the favela of Santa Marta, communities of Niterói, the Central do Brasil train station, on boats, and in the metro. Santa Marta Contra a Covid-19 is accepting direct and financial donations to continue with their sanitizing efforts.

Donations: here or via PayPal to .

Contact: =


Organization: Ser Alzira de Aleluia, along with partner organizations, have been supporting 543 families in the community of Vidigal with foodstuffs since the beginning of the pandemic. Ser Alzira is an active member of the Sustainable Favela Network.*

Donations: Via bank deposit:
Bank: Caixa Econômica
Agency: 0218
Operation: 003
Account: 737-4

Contact: Elma Alleluia via WhatsApp (+55-21-99617-2838) or email ().


Coletivo Vidigal Vive distributing foodstuffs
Coletivo Vidigal Vive distributing foodstuffs

Organization: Coletivo Vidigal Vive (Vidigal Lives Collective) is part of the NGO Favela Inc. in the favela of Vidigal. They share resources, knowledge, and technology to better support families in vulnerable situations in the community.

Donations: Via bank deposit:
Bank: Banco Itaú
Agency: 0563
Account: 34334-2
CNPJ: 34.249.794/0001-43

Contact: Adam Newman by WhatsApp (+55-21-97155 7785) or email ().

Baixada Fluminense (Greater Rio de Janeiro)

Comunidade Vila Alzira (Duque de Caxias)

Organization: Associação de Mulheres de Atitude Com Compromisso Social (AMAC) (The Association of Assertive Women with Social Commitment). AMAC is an active member of the Sustainable Favela Network.* “Like sunflowers that get energy from one another on cloudy days, let’s transform our energy into donations.” They are currently seeking support to purchase food items, hygiene and cleaning products, hand sanitizer, and clothing.

Via bank deposit:
Name: Associação de Mulheres de Atitude com Compromisso Social
Bank: Itaú
Account: 18154-0
Agency: 8297

Contact: Nil Santos on WhatsApp (+55-21-99807-8422) or email ().

Women participants in AMAC workshop
Women participants in AMAC workshop

Coréia (Mesquita)

Organization: Núcleo de Educação Social e Popular de Economia Solidária (Social and Popular Education Solidarity Economy Nucleus) is an organization located in the community of Coréia in Great Rio’s Mesquita municipality. With the current high unemployment rate, they have been collecting donations of basic foodstuffs for their community members. They are accepting donations in the form of food, especially protein, and personal hygiene and cleaning products.

Via bank deposit:
Agency: 3406
Account: 42221-2
Operation: 013

Contact: Laurinda Soares Delgado by WhatsApp (+55-21-97466-6896) or email ().

Jacutinga (Mesquita)

Organization: Centro Social Fusão (Fusion Social Center) is an organization that has been dedicating its efforts to support families that are facing difficulties. To continue their support, they are asking for donations in the form of food or financial contributions.

Donations: Donations in the form of food or cleaning supplies can be dropped off at the following address: Av. Antônio Borges, nº323, Jacutinga, Mesquita, RJ. Financial donations can be made to the following bank account:
Name: Ana Leila Gonçalves
Bank: Banco Cora
Agency: 0001
Account: Current, 1099979-7
CPF: 136.905.727-03

Contact: +55-21-97004-8109

Morro do Carvão, Comunidade do Engenho, Brisama, Sem Terra and Chaperó (Itaguaí)

A.M.I.G.A.S in action
A.M.I.G.A.S in action

Organization: The Associação de Mulheres de Itaguaí Guerreiras e Articuladoras Sociais (A.M.I.G.A.S., Association of Women of Itaguaí—Warriors and Social Articulators) campaign, XÔ COVID! (Get out COVID!) is present in the five communities of Morro do Carvão, Comunidade do Engenho, Brisamar, Sem Terra and Chaperó. They have been collecting and distributing donations to residents and vulnerable families throughout the pandemic. During this current phase, they are working hard to reduce inequalities, hunger and misery, and the rates of infection within their communities. A.M.I.G.A.S. is currently in need of basic necessities such as personal hygiene and cleaning products, masks, hand sanitizer, printed materials on preventive measures related to Covid-19, clothes, shoes, milk, diapers, food items to prepare meals, and cooking gas. A.M.I.G.A.S. is key member of the Covid-19 in Favelas Unified Dashboard.*

Donations: here, via PIX (21986606686), or via PayPal :

Contact: Anna Paula Salles on WhatsApp (+55-21-98660-6686) or email (


Organization: Associação Comunitária Eis-Me-Aqui (Eis Me Aqui Community Association) work to help their community members by cutting hair, presenting lectures on Covid-19 prevention, and distributing donations such as toys to children. To continue their support, they are asking for financial donations.

Donations: Via bank deposit:
Bank: Banco do Brasil
Agency: 0803-6
Current Account:1099979-7

Contact: Rogério dos Santos Pinheiro at (21)996366627 or email at


Morro do Preventório

Organization: Comitê Solidariedade (Solidarity Committee) is raising money to help distribute basic foodstuffs to families in Morro do Preventório.

Donations: Please bring material donations to the following address: Rua Quatorze de Abril, 2 – Charitas, Niterói – RJ, 24370-650. Please deposit financial donations at:
Name: Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Preventório
Bank: Caixa Econômica Federal
Agency: Operation 003
Account: 1456-8

Contact: +55-21-98237-3169

*RioOnWatch, the Sustainable Favela Network and the Covid-19 in Favelas Unified Dashboard are all programs of NGO Catalytic Communities.

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