With the aim of addressing racism from the inside out, with a focus on favela voices, and community journalism as the means to provoke the urgent dialogue we need, RioOnWatch launched the series “Rooting Anti-Racism in the Favelas: Deconstructing Social Narratives About Racism in Rio de Janeiro.”


Our goal is to lay out the debate about racism and race in Rio de Janeiro, in order to offer a detailed, multidimensional and intersectional view of how structural racism works in the city, from the personal to the systemic and analytical, with the goal of transforming society. What is not named is not recognized and thus not combated. Racism in Brazil is in the structures of society, including in silence and in euphemisms in news coverage about social inequality.


Over the course of 2021, RioOnWatch published weekly illustrated articles, videos, and podcasts, by grassroots communicators, Afro-Brazilians and favela residents, focusing on memory, present day, and future—which relate to the Akan concept of Sankofa: San (to return), Ko (to go), Fa (to seek, to get). These publications reached 80,000 people each month across Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and 220 countries worldwide.

Introducing the Anti-Racism Series

Reference Articles

Our Roots: History and Memory

Facts and Impacts of Racism

Building a New Tomorrow

Meet the Artists