Rio de Janeiro’s favelas are the city’s affordable housing stock, but they are also arguably the world’s most stigmatized communities. The Olympic media spotlight this year offers an unprecedented opportunity to straighten out the narrative on these neighborhoods once and for all and pave the way for productive policies. Below, journalists can find essential materials about Rio’s favelas and the city’s pre-Olympic transformations, organized to support informed and nuanced reporting through the Games.

The Basics

About these resources
What is a favela?
Favela facts
Favela Qualities
Favela as a Sustainable Model [VIDEO]
Alternative Text box
Favelas as affordable housing







What Journalists Need to Know About Covering Favelas

Best and worst reporting on favelas
Favela perspective: What the Mainstream Media Gets Wrong
Community Contacts
Journalist perspective: The World Cup of Lazy Journalism
Why call them favelas?
Research: Favelas in the international media







More Inspiration for Your Stories

English-language favela news wire @RioONWire
Who to follow on Social Media
Community media profiles
Community leader profiles
Favela resident opinion pieces







Rio Policy Reference Pieces

Pacifying Police Units (UPPs)
The Death of UPP Social
The Dismantling of Morar Carioca
Minha Casa Minha Vida public housing
Policies and Projects “For the English to See”







Five Must-Reads on Pre-Olympic Rio

Dossier of pre-Olympics human rights violations
NYT Debate: Brazil Is Missing an Opportunity to Invest in the Favelas
Videos: Evictions, Gentrification & Displacement
The Olympics Serve to Legitimize Evictions
A Look at Rio’s International Awards and Recognitions







Five Must-Reads on Vila Autódromo

Vila Autódromo timeline
Map Shows Hundreds of Vila Autódromo Residents Want to Remain
City Government Lays Pressure And Threats on Vila Autódromo
Candomblé Practitioner Describes the Terror of the Eviction Process
The People’s Plan and the Mayor’s Plan for Vila Autódromo







Get to Know What’s Great About Favelas

Why are favelas cultural incubators?
Community-based organizations
Community solutions
Environmental projects







Visit a Favela on a Community-led Tour

Favela tour operators
Vale Encantado: Otávio Barros
Santa Marta: Thiago Firmino
Morro dos Cabritos: Gilmar Lopes
Turano: Wilson Moraes







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