
Rio de Janeiro Mainstream Media Stigmatizes Favelas Surrounding Tijuca National Park, Yet Remains Silent on Rapidly Encroaching Luxury Condos and Mansions [OPINION]

Clique aqui para Português This opinion piece written by Isaura Bredariol, an environmental analyst at ICMBio and socio-environmental team member of the Tijuca National Park, is part of a series created in partnership with the Behner Stiefel […]


In Rio de Janeiro, the First Week of February Brought More Rain Than Expected for the Month. Who Suffers From Climate Change? The Favelas! #VoicesFromSocialMedia

Clique aqui para Português This article is part of RioOnWatch’s #VoicesFromSocialMedia series, which compiles perspectives posted on social media by favela residents and activists about events and societal themes that arise. It’s also part of a […]