Favela do Metrô Terrorized through Drawn-out Eviction
RioOnWatch was the first news site to report on the brutal Favela do Metrô eviction back in November 2010. A year and a half later we revisit the scene to see how residents have faired. […]
RioOnWatch was the first news site to report on the brutal Favela do Metrô eviction back in November 2010. A year and a half later we revisit the scene to see how residents have faired. […]
Clique aqui para Português For the original article by Raquel Rolnik in Portuguese click here. Sunday, January 22, 2012, 6:00 am, São José dos Campos (SP). Thousands of men, women, children and elderly residents of the […]
To act like something still under scrutiny is decided is a well-known strategy to resolve an issue without having to systematize it. This is what (Rio’s largest daily) O Globo tried to do with its cover […]