
Madonna and the Risks of Land Titling

Clique aqui para Português For the original in Portuguese, published in Maré de Notícias, click here. With Madonna rumored to have just purchased a house near David Beckham’s in fastest-gentrifying Vidigal–the seaside favela known for halting military government evictions […]


When Are Cities Finished?

On Saturday November 1, photographer Mauro Restiffe, architect and urbanist Manoel Ribeiro and architect Pedro Évora delivered engaging presentations on the subject “When are cities finished?” for the Travessias 3 art festival in Complexo da Maré. The […]


Engaging Play in Rio’s Favelas

What is Play? Play is the action of simply having fun. It encompasses a range of activities that can be accomplished with the body, the mind, with props, and with words. Through play, imagination expands as limits are tested […]