Tiago Donato studied at Rio de Janeiro’s traditional Colégio Pedro II federal public school. After high school and an unsuccessful 2-year academic experience at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, he spent the next 3 years between the US and UK, where he worked jobs in and around the hospitality industry. Over the years, Tiago discovered a fundamental pleasure in listening to people, speaking to them, and in doing so trying to be a means for people to feel worthy. Time away from Rio helped shed deeply held prejudices and habits, and to elucidate the meaning of the social environment the city provides its dwellers, becoming, upon his return, his motivation for joining Catalytic Communities. After one year’s experience with Catalytic Communities, Tiago has returned to college to work on a degree in Journalism, having found it as his true calling.

RioOnWatchTV: “Demolition crews return to Vila Harmonia”
Watch on Youtube On the 22nd of February, the injunction that, last December, had suspended the demolitions in Vila Harmonia, a community in the West Zone of Rio, was dropped. Two days later, demolition crews […]