How Many People Constitute a ‘Rolezinho?’
Clique aqui para Português What was the value in all of the years Nelson Mandela served in prison to defend the end of South Africa’s apartheid? We are now called to revisit this question after […]
Clique aqui para Português What was the value in all of the years Nelson Mandela served in prison to defend the end of South Africa’s apartheid? We are now called to revisit this question after […]
Clique aqui para Português This is the first contribution to our media watchdog series on the Best and Worst International Reporting on Rio’s favelas, part of RioOnWatch’s ongoing conversation on the media narrative and media portrayal surrounding favelas. Throughout the […]
For the original by Vinícius Lisboa in Portuguese for Agência Brasil click here. Around 30% of favela residents in Brazil have suffered prejudice, asserts Favela Data Institute’s first study, “X-Ray of Brazilian Favelas,” released November 4, […]
Clique aqui para Português A legacy of government neglect peeked through the joyful motions and colors of the traditional Festa Junina in Pica-Pau, Cordovil last month. The lack of public investment was most visible in […]
Clique aqui para Português April 2, 2012–CatComm Executive Director Theresa Williamson invited to engage in a New York Times debate forum on the legacy of mega-events. See original debate here with concise response here. Full […]