Civil Society

Pursuing Recovery in Cordovil

Clique aqui para Português A legacy of government neglect peeked through the joyful motions and colors of the traditional Festa Junina in Pica-Pau, Cordovil last month. The lack of public investment was most visible in […]


Losing Providence

Brazil’s first favela, Morro da Providência (Providence Hill), was built by veterans of the Canudos War. Thousands of soldiers flocked to Rio when the war ended in 1897, because the government had offered them housing in […]


Babilônia and the Threat of Gentrification

Clique aqui para Português August 22, 2011—As I climbed Morro da Babilônia, up the Leme hillside overlooking Copacabana, I was taken aback by this community’s sheer beauty. Unlike many of the favelas here in Rio, […]


Asa Branca Braces for the Olympics

Clique aqui para Português August 10, 2011–Debates on urban policy tend either to be basically theoretical–who wins, who loses, and why–or else technical: this regulation, that subsidy; this legal process, that funding source. But Carlos […]