by Community Contributors

Sustainable Glass

Clique aqui para Português Climbing one of the many slopes of Morro da Pedreira in Costa Barros in Rio de Janeiro’s North Zone, you might not guess you’d find a father up here with a […]

Favela Culture

Discover Favela Design!

Clique aqui para Português The exhibition O Design da Favela (Favela Design) at the Centro Carioca de Design (Carioca Design Center) is currently showing 125 pieces by artists, artisans and inventors from 15 communities in Rio de Janeiro, with […]


Painting Providência

Residents of Morro da Providência, the iconic first favela in Brazilian history to be referred to as such and originally named “Morro da Favela,” are opposed to the changes the government aims to implement in […]

Wark da Rocinha
by International Observers

Instituto Wark: Graffiti in Rocinha

Clique aqui para Português Marcos Rodrigo, also known as ‘Wark da Rocinha’ has been the favela’s premier graffiti artist for ten years now. The Rocinha native pioneered the graffiti movement in Brazil’s largest favela, which has […]