
Banning of the Acari Fair, Intangible Heritage of Rio de Janeiro Sung About in World-Famous Brazilian Songs, Harms Vendors, Favela Residents and Exposes the City’s ‘Moral Hygiene’ Policies

Clique aqui para Português The traditional Acari Fair, which for five decades brightened Sunday mornings around the Acari/Fazenda Botafogo metro station, was abruptly closed on January 22 by Mayor Eduardo Paes, who shared on his […]


Public Fills Rio de Janeiro City Council to Demand the Community Land Trust in the City’s Master Plan and Discuss City Hall’s Exclusion of Urban Policy Instruments

Clique aqui para Português The Rio de Janeiro City Council Chambers were filled past capacity the first two Wednesdays in April as over 120 people mobilized for the right to housing. Filling both the galleries […]