
Analyzing Public Health in Brazil

Calls for FIFA-standard hospitals and public health care have been universal in the Brazilian protests and it is indeed imperative for improved health services to be among the central demands. More than any economic benchmark, […]


Ten Thousand Dead in Ten Years

For the original article by Artur Voltolini  in Portuguese for Observatório de Favelas, click here. Data collected by sociologist Michel Misse, in partnership with the Brazilian Bar Association of Rio de Janeiro (OAB/RJ), show the unreasonable […]

by International Observers

TEDxMaré: The First Ever TED Event in a Favela

Question: what do you get when you cross a rapper-activist with a scuba-diving NGO worker, and throw in a very famous former President for good measure? Answer: TEDxMaré (and that is just scratching the surface).  […]

Lagoa da Tijuca, Barra da Tijuca Rio de Janeiro

The Troubling State of Sanitation in Rio

Clique aqui para Português In a city full of beautiful distractions—nature, people, music—it is often easy to forget what is going on beneath your feet. However, for officially more than a quarter of the population […]