
Asa Branca Braces for the Olympics

Clique aqui para Português August 10, 2011–Debates on urban policy tend either to be basically theoretical–who wins, who loses, and why–or else technical: this regulation, that subsidy; this legal process, that funding source. But Carlos […]

by International Observers

Rio Top Tour

On August 30, 2010, the State Secretary of Tourism, Sport and Leisure launched a tourist attraction called Rio Top Tour in Santa Marta, Rio de Janeiro´s first pacified favela as of December 22, 2008. The […]


Morar Carioca: What’s Not to Like?

Say what you want about Morar Carioca, the latest incarnation of Rio’s favela upgrading programs, but you can’t claim that it’s lacking in ambition – at least not on paper. The initiative, which is actually […]