Losing Providence
Brazil’s first favela, Morro da Providência (Providence Hill), was built by veterans of the Canudos War. Thousands of soldiers flocked to Rio when the war ended in 1897, because the government had offered them housing in […]
Brazil’s first favela, Morro da Providência (Providence Hill), was built by veterans of the Canudos War. Thousands of soldiers flocked to Rio when the war ended in 1897, because the government had offered them housing in […]
Clique aqui para Português While arriving up top of Vidigal–one of Rio’s most scenic South Zone favelas–by moto-taxi on Saturday, I couldn’t help but notice the high concentration of Pacifying Police Unit (UPP) officers with […]
Original Portuguese article published by Viviane Oliveira in Viva Favela. In the 16 communities that make up the Maré Favela Complex, the same fate awaits all those with dreams of owning their own home: rising property […]
Original article published in Portuguese here by Renato Cosentino of Cidades Possíveis. The demolition of homes and clearance of favelas, on the grounds that Rio de Janeiro is preparing for major sporting events, has affected thousands of […]
Clique aqui para Português August 22, 2011—As I climbed Morro da Babilônia, up the Leme hillside overlooking Copacabana, I was taken aback by this community’s sheer beauty. Unlike many of the favelas here in Rio, […]