The Human Rights series aims to inform society about the stigmas and perverse effects that structural racism and criminalization of poverty bring upon favela territories and their residents, through reports and analyses based on the lives of residents themselves, while foregrounding the power, solutions, and culture of the favela, the birthplace of so many arts. Focusing on social rights that remain extremely neglected in this post-pandemic period, the Human Rights series seeks to emphasize the path to full civil and social rights for favela residents, principally those most demanded by them: food security, sanitation, health, and public education.

The Human Rights series is part of the project “Realizing the Right to the Favela Through Grassroots Media.” In our view, human rights is one of four critical elements to realizing the right to the favela. The others are: climate justice, democracy and housing rights.

The Urgency of Full Citizenship

Criminalization of Poverty and Stigma

Basic and Essential Rights: Water, Food, Sanitation, and Health

The Flame of Education and Identity

The Religious and Cultural Power of Favelas

Photos and Art