by Community Contributors

We, Women of the Periphery

Clique aqui para Português For the original article in Portuguese by Bianca Pedrina, Jéssica Moreira, Mayara Penina, Semayat Oliveira and Patrícia Silva published in Portal Aprendiz click here.  Often we hear phrases such as “she graduated, […]

Understanding Rio

The Myth of Carnival

As legend goes, once upon a time there were two blocos (carnival street parties) leaving from opposite ends of Ipanema. In their first year they met in the middle and turned around to return to […]

by International Observers

On the Origin of ‘Favela’

‘Please be careful when you open the overhead luggage after landing, and please remember there is still time to give a donation to our youth program in the favelas. Your donation can help a young […]

Research & Analysis

Squatter’s Rights: The Basics

Since the era of Henry I in England, societies have understood that property ownership is an important means to building wealth for individuals and creating value for communities. Therefore, when property was left unclaimed or abandoned it […]